Hana Strejčková

Hana Strejčková is a Czech theatre critic with deep focus on mime, new circus and physical theatre and performance, a member of the Ex-Com AICT/IATC, and also Czech Committee of the Association of Theatre Critics and a member of the Syndicate of journalists, a member of Czech Committee of ASSITEJ. She publishes mainly in journals: Dance Context, Theatre News, Opera Plus, Dance Zone and with the reflections from culture she contributes to the Czech Radio Broadcast. She is an academician, scholar and a teacher at the Music and Dance Faculty in Prague and Palacky Univerzity in Olomouc. Since 2021 she works as a dramaturgy for Laterna Magika where she also staged as an author and director the historically first show for babies and toddlers called BabyLaterna at the National Theatre Prague. She is a co-founder of an independent performance-art platform FysioART. As a researcher she cooperates with the Arts Institute Prague on the long-term project mapping the contemporary theatre under the title Theatre and Freedom, Theatre and Democracy. 
